20 September 2011

Want to know what's going on in Iran? Read this.

This piece is an absolute must-read.  Like Syria (its regional ally, and conduit to Hizbollah in Lebanon/Israel), Iran is very quickly accelerating its internal anti-Islam behaviors - including quite brutal methods of repression.  And this is the man invited to dine with the Columbia International Relations Council and Association (CIRCA).  Why is he being asked to address American (or really any) college students?  The man, in conjunction with the Grand Ayatollah of Iran, is responsible for monstrous actions.  At bare minimum.

On a side note, sorry for the long, long delay between this post and the one preceding it.  Lots to do, lots to do.  If I'm lucky, I'll be working on an advisory council (as volunteer) for Pajamas Media - though very conservative, they've done much work in exposing the nature of the repression, worldwide, and I'd be honored to assist them in any way.  Additionally, if I feel a story or article is worthy of increased attention, I'm going to begin posting them in red text, to draw attention to said story/article.

08 August 2011

Summer Break Update

Sorry for the lack of updates.  I'm currently enjoying my summer break - though very saddened by the recent loss of US servicemembers in a Taliban attack/crash; I was particularly upset to see the numbers of Navy SEALs and Afghan commandos (22 and seven, respectively).

I've suspended writing the longer post that I've alluded to in earlier updates for a few reasons (the foremost being that I don't believe that Americans need to understand every intricate detail of Islamic jurisprudence - only the ideas that may set trends and allow this project to be successful).  I have another project for this site that I'm working on at the moment, and that takes precedent.

01 August 2011

Still working...

on the longer piece that I mentioned earlier.  I've been concentrating on finishing several books about Saudi Arabia and Iran, and want to complete those before fact-checking and publishing the post.  I promise that it's en route.

20 July 2011

Required Reading: "Syria: Descent into Darkness"

Via Hotair:

Over at Front Page Magazine, Rick Moran has a rather grim update on the current state of affairs in Syria. The situation there is far more complicated than the canned sound bites from CNN could ever convey, with a variety of factions in play on each side and a dictator who, from all appearances, isn’t planning on leaving any time soon. But the violence continues unabated.
Violence erupted in three Syrian cities over the weekend as President Bashar Assad continues his efforts to put down incipient revolts against his 11 year rule. But while protests against the regime appeared to be spreading, the government mounted a number of massive demonstrations in support of the dictator in Damascus, as well as Syria’s second largest city, Aleppo.
Most troubling for Assad is the specter of sectarian violence in the city of Homs that raised its head for the first time in the revolt, and the defection of a significant military force in the Iraqi border town of Abu Kamal. This may be a signal that the conscripts that have been ordered to shoot down civilians in the streets are weakening in their allegiance to the regime despite brutal methods to keep them in line.
Homs is only one place where violence is spreading, with the rebels facing very steep odds against Assad’s forces, but as Moran explains, it’s also a microcosm of the complex mixture of ethnic and religious groups vying for power. As it turns out, Assad is actually viewed as a protector against majority oppression by a number of groups, including Christians, who fear the power of the Sunnis. Part of the problem today is that the Sunnis are less than happy with the favorable treatment shown by Assad to his charges.
Homs, a city that was once dominated by Sunnis, has seen Alawites move in during the last 20 years and gradually, the newcomers began taking over the government and getting preferred jobs. That tension escalated when Assad moved his forces into Sunni neighborhoods last month to quell the huge demonstrations that erupted against his rule. Most of the violence occurred in two neighborhoods –one Sunni and one Alawite — that border each other. A resident explained, “The magic is turning against the magician. The regime thought that if it feeds the tribes and allows them to carry AK-47s it will secure their loyalty forever.” He added that the “repression was turning them into insurgents.”
This is an excellent article to read if you want to get up to date on the complex internal struggle playing out today in Syria. The worrying part is that conflicting loyalties and alliances in the international community, combined with traditional antagonistic stances between rival clans make it all the more difficult for anyone else to do anything about Assad’s brutal crackdown. There’s a lot of news coming out of Syria, but none of it is very good.
This is continues to get worse.  Wait for the Department of State presser/statement - unless they unwaveringly raise the specter of SOME sort of tangible U.S. action, we've lost any moral high ground that we might conceivably claim in the future.

18 July 2011


In lieu of the full post (more of an essay, really) that I'm working on, about Western perception of Islam and some of the attendant problems with said perception, I'm going to offer a few summer reading suggestions.

1.  Prayers for the Assassin - A truly unforgettable piece of speculative fiction.  Set 30ish years in the future, the US has become a divided nation; in the North and West, and Islamic republic and in the South, a breakaway Christian nation.  Robert Ferrigno's explanation of how this situation came to be is both convincing and ground-breaking.  Filled with memorable characters, and extremely difficult to put down, this book, and its two sequels are amongst my absolute favorites.

2.  Ender's Game - Again, one of my all time favorites, by Orson Scott Card.  So creative, as far as military strategy is concerned, the book is taught in numerous military academies and most young military officers are very familiar with it.  Gripping plot, unforgettable scenarios, seriously thought-provoking.

3.  The Looming Tower - Written by Lawrence Wright, and received the Pulitzer prize.  I've read it three times now, and Wright's ability to seamlessly navigate the disparate threads of Al-Qaeda's origins, mission, goals and achievements - while balancing the stories of American law enforcement personalities charged with finding OBL - makes for a fascinating read.  Owing much, I believe, to Wright's background as a screenwriter, the book reads more like a novel than history.  He covers everything from Sayed Qtub through modern day in perfect detail; not so much as to render the book inaccessible, but more than sufficient to explain the motivations and personalities of the principal players.  Essential reading for anyone who wishes to understand how and why the September 11, 2001 attacks occurred, and the more general concept and execution of jihad.

16 July 2011

Mark Steyn on Free Speech and Human Rights

Is Mark Steyn (or Andrew Bolt, or Ayaan Hirsi Ali) provocative?  Absolutely.  Do you have to agree with him?  Absolutely not.  Should he be allowed to voice his opinions without fear of prosecution/persecution?  That's what this organization is all about, right?

I would encourage readers to watch the entire clip - Steyn makes several excellent points, and includes a brief rendition of "Kung Fu Fighting", as well.  That last bit makes much greater sense once you've watched the video.

Courtesy of Powerline:

Mark Steyn on Free Speech at the IPA from Institute of Public Affairs on Vimeo.

04 July 2011

More Horror From Syria

As our Secretary of State has recently called Assad a "reformer" (though now uses harsher language - but nothing more) and we've taken no significant action to protect the Syrian people, stories like this continue to surface (courtesy http://quitenormal.wordpress.com - full link here):
Meet 13 year old Hamza Ali al-Khateeb. He was snatched by Assad goons and tortured for weeks before being returned to his family with bullet holes, broken bones, covered in cigarette burns, and minus his genitals.
How long are we going to continue to let this happen?  What options do we have?  How would you feel if your adolescent son or daughter was brutally tortured for speaking out against a vile regime?  Military intervention may not be productive or efficient, but it is increasingly clear that Bashar al-Assad needs to go.  Preferably before an international tribunal for genocide and related charges.  Is the U.S. going to continue to "lead from behind", or are we going to support a dissident movement that, for humanitarian and strategic reasons, is of vast import to our interests?

03 July 2011

Partial Book Reviews AND Brief Excerpt From Andrew McCarthy's Recent National Review Article

This, I believe, should be the reigning thought in both American and European politics, and it is what I am striving to produce here:
Real leadership would also entail diagnosing the Middle East as it truly is. It would acknowledge Islam as a fact of life in the region but understand that this does not mean we have to pretend it is an asset. It is a volatile antagonist with diverse elements — some to be courted, some to be competed with, and some that must be defeated because they are implacably hostile.
Couldn't have said it better myself.  Andrew's books, by the way (particularly Willful Blindness) are well worth reading.  Mr. McCarthy is something of an autodidact regarding Islam, but he has grasped some of the fundamental issues provoking the continual clashes between the West and the Islamic world.  I don't agree with him consistently - I think his reading of Islam is occasionally too simplistic, and ignores native Arab tradition - but largely, I believe he has some very sensible ideas.

In a perfect segue, I'd like to briefly opine on two books I've recently been reading.  Raymond Ibrahim's The Al Qaeda Reader, and Vali Nasr's Forces of Fortune.  I haven't finished either, yet, so I can only (as the post title suggests) give preliminary reviews.

Ibrahim's book is a compilation of previously untranslated essays and treatises (mostly from Ayman Al-Zawahiri, AQ's spiritual go-to) regarding relationships with the West, war, and appropriate Islam conduct during (his words) "Offensive Jihad".  Ibrahim has divided the book into sections for both "Theology" and "Propaganda" - the former intended for an Islamic audience.  It is, for the uninitiated, somewhat daunting.  It is also, however, one of the best introductions to what we commonly term "radical" Islam.  Zawahiri goes about, very quickly, demolishing the idea that AQ's mission is radical - rather, a common occurrence in history.

Nasr's book deserves more attention than I've paid it, thus far.  His analysis of Iranian interests in the Arab world (particularly Ahmadinejad's rise to power) is fascinating, and his thesis that Iranian economic concerns trump their military aspirations is a theory well worth considering.  I'm not completely sold, and I haven't gotten far enough into the book to comment on his dissection of Arab states' agendas.  I'll post a fuller report when I've finished both, and taken some useful notes.

Expect a Fourth of July post tomorrow - there's much to discuss given the world's current state.

11 June 2011

Another Case For The Existence of O.S.

Taken from a Washington Examiner piece (http://washingtonexaminer.com/news/world/2011/06/officials-10-killed-separate-attacks-iraq):

Authorities in a suburb in western Baghdad, police in Abu Ghraib found the body of a human rights activist, Namir Ryhan, inside his home, a police and hospital official said. Both officials said assailants beheaded the activist.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility; Sunni militants, including al-Qaida, have been known to behead their victims.

We Shouldn't Need Someone Explaining This - But Here It Is Anyway

Lee Smith a fairly brilliant writer (I'm thoroughly enjoying The Strong Horse at the moment) and I believe his take on the American administration is, by and large, the correct one:


The violence, brutality and repression in Syria must stop.  We have to find a way to (in Cpt. Piccard's words) "make it so".  We've spend an eternity doing nothing, and saying little.  We must find a voice, and use whatever tools we have available to prevent this man (Assad) from continuing the murderous path that he has blazed (to be more accurate, that should read "following in the murderous path his father blazed as he killed tens of thousands of his countrymen").  Read the article; it does have its partisan moments, which you may or may not agree with - irregardless, Smith is correct.

01 June 2011

"Images of dead children fan Syria's protests" A.P.


This is the information that needs to be distributed.  These are the people who needs to be held accountable.  Their victims are the ones who need to be able to make sure they can get their story out, no matter what.  This is what O.S. is about.  Kudos to A.P. for publishing the story.

CAUTION: Very hard to read (emotionally). I'm linking to the Yahoo! news version.  No pictures in the article, but the descriptions are plenty graphic.

29 May 2011

27 May 2011

While we're focused overseas...

...it doesn't hurt to keep an eye on what's going on in our backyard.  Take a look at ReasonTV's video on the subject of recording public officials with handheld video devices (phones, MP3 players, plain-old cameras, etc).

It worries me that as we're pushing for transparency outside our borders, we might be losing some of it inside them.

Check the whole HOTAIR article on the subject.  Well worth the time.

Exit question: As a responsible citizen, if you saw wrong-doing (or simply wanted to document a government official's actions) would you risk arrest or be meekly cowed?

26 May 2011

Map of the World - Internet Freedom Edition

So, as mentioned in an earlier post, I was considering creating a map detailing which countries restricted their citizenry to internet access through state-controlled ISPs.  While not as specific or up-to-date as I'd like, Wikipedia provides a rough idea.  Guess which region of the world contains the most areas considered "Internet black holes" by Reporters Without Borders (Reporters sans Frontieres, RSF)?

According to RSF, a black label on the map means "Heavy Surveillance" by the state - see the full Wiki article on Internet Censorship for a fuller explanation - on their aptly named "Enemies of the Internet" list, which includes:

  • Burma
  • China
  • Cuba
  • Iran
  • North Korea
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Syria
  • Turkmenistan
  • Uzbekistan
  • Vietnam
From my understanding, a good number of nations that didn't make the list aren't all that cyber-friendly either.  Supposedly, Libya labored to prevent ALL internet access and Egypt heavily censored content (literally "pulling the plug" on the Internet recently - more on that in a later post).  Those situations may have changed somewhat in light of recent events, but it is still chilling to consider a government that is willing and able to deny internet communication to its citizens.  Transparency, as they are aware, is an existential threat to their ability subjugate the people living within their borders.

Burma represents a nearly unique case (also the subject of an upcoming post).  Ruled by a brutal military junta, Burma/Myanmar is one of the most anonymously repressive places on the planet.  Between nuclear military ambitions, government-backed opium smuggling, human trafficking, and strangling censorship, Burma certainly may be one of the worst human rights offenders in the world.  Strange that the media doesn't cover it more.  If only more visibly interesting suffering were occurring, maybe the Western media would devote more time to the subject (to their credit, I'm not sure how whether it's even possible to get into Burma with a news team, but that's the point of this blog/organization, isn't it?)

24 May 2011

SecState Makes Comments Supporting O.S. Goals

In a recent Washington Post article, titled "Autocratic Regimes fight Web-savvy opponents with their own tools", Mary Beth Sheridan reported that Secretary Clinton has made comments in recent weeks that specifically legitimize the drive behind O.S:
“In a number of countries, democracy and human rights activists and independent bloggers found their e-mails hacked or their computers infected with spyware that reported back on their every keystroke. Digital activists have been tortured so they would reveal their passwords”, she said last month. (Emphasis mine)
Sounds like a clarion call for a method that wouldn't subject said democracy and human rights activists to repression, censorship, and torture, no?  Would you be comfortable acting as a whistle-blower if your compatriots were being watched and abused?  Perhaps an anonymous, self-perpetuating, peer-to-peer network would increase the confidence of dissidents and their willingness to report the gross excesses of their respective governments?
"For several years, Congress has given the State Department millions of dollars annually to provide technology to help activists evade Internet censorship by oppressive governments. But diplomats are increasingly realizing that the threat goes beyond blocked Web sites." (Emphasis mine)
I can't judge the success or failure of that funding and the projects it supports (it may well have made disrupting dissident communication more difficult for those tasked with the duty), but I can say, given the nature of the information provided, that what our Department of State (and other involved agencies) is doing certainly isn't full spectrum and it isn't effective enough.  One thing I took away from Red Team/Opposing Force training in the Army: never underestimate your opponents, and always learn from their successes and mistakes.

In case you didn't read/don't plan to read the entire article (which I encourage you to do) here's another notable quote:
“In the same way that, a few years ago, it became commonplace to talk about Web 2.0, we’re now seeing Repression 2.0,” said Daniel B. Baer, a deputy assistant secretary of state for democracy, human rights and labor. (Again, emphasis mine)
Unfortunately, some Western companies have been all too happy to sell monitoring software and devices to bad actors (more on that in a later post).  I'm working to develop a map of Middle Eastern countries that exclusively provide web access though nationalized or state-controlled ISPs (Internet Service Providers) - those providers most easily able to watch internet traffic surreptitiously, and doubly cursed as the most vulnerable to pressure by internal security services  when "asked" for IP addresses and other digital identifying information.  The data may already be available; I just need to sort and verify it.  Expect the map posted by the end of the week, events permitting.

Exit question:  To put it in terms that average, politically-engaged democratic citizens can relate to - if you knew that sending an email complaining about, oh, something like this, to your local school superintendent or hometown newspaper would result in increased police scrutiny focusing on your family, what would you do?  Risk it to stand up for both common sense and basic freedom, or self-censor to protect your safety?  Honest question, no right or wrong answers.

23 May 2011

About the Founder/Executive Director

Shortly after I reported to 3/17 Field Artillery Battalion (Fifth Brigade, Second Infantry Division, U.S. Army) I was offered a unique opportunity; one that drastically changed my beliefs and the course of my life.

Our brigade was searching for volunteers willing to participate in an intensive, eleven month experimental school - called the "Language-Enabled Soldier" program.  Candidates had to meet certain criteria: A high score on the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery - the test that determines which military careers are available to you), prior foreign language experience and/or completion of some college credit, and no significant disciplinary record.  After a screening interview with my Lieutenant Colonel, I was accepted into the program.

The goal of the program was to produce soldiers proficient in intermediate Arabic language skills and cross-cultural interaction.  This would ostensibly allow them to conduct combat translation and tactical questioning, as well as assist specialists in the intelligence collection/analysis and civil negotiation fields.  Upon graduation, soldier-students were expected to act as trainers for key members in their respective military units.

The school building was a large, converted house; un-air conditioned and quite old.  Inside, however, young infantryman, artillery specialists, intelligence analysts, and even cooks gathered in groups of seven or eight to study for nearly nine hours a day, four days a week.  Friday classes were reserved for remedial training in the event that a soldier fell below the 70% passing threshold on the weekly examinations.

Each class had two primary teachers.  Out of the dozen instructors, numerous nationalities were represented: Palestinians, Jordanians, Lebanese, Iraqis and Syrians.  Amongst them, they were religiously divided; some Sunni, some Shia and some Sufi Muslims, and at least one Arab Christian - all of whom observed their faiths at different levels, in different ways.

My principal teacher (whom I'll refer to as "Hussam" to protect his privacy and family) had a degree in linguistics from Baghdad University.  Alas, as Shia adherents under Saddam's Sunni regime, he and his family were targets for persecution by the government's various security services.  Our teachers were to refrain from divulging much about their personal or political backgrounds, but over the countless hours we spent in that cramped, sweltering classroom our interactions began to grow.  My relationship with Hussam started as strictly pedagogical, then moved to more of a mentor-ship, and finally, into a friendship from which we developed ideas for potential professional collaboration.

He described the horrors that the Ba'athist regime had inflicted upon him, though without the bitterness that I felt he was duly entitled.  He explained the government's reaction to his older brother's outspoken criticisms: summary execution.  He detailed his own conscription into the Iraqi army; being incarcerated in military prison for insubordination, and the truly appalling treatment he received from his jailers.  He told stories of his assignment (immediately preceding the coalition-led invasion in 2003) to an anti-aircraft cannon - "supervised" by an Iraqi Republican Guard sniper unit ensuring that he and his compatriots did not stray from their designated ten by ten meter square area of operations surrounding the artillery piece - a veritable death sentence with a targeted air campaign imminent.  Needless to say, he escaped, and found refuge working for the American military before re-settling his family in the United States.

Beyond his experiences, he relayed tales of Uday and Qusay Hussein - of wanton rape and murder, torture conducted for sport and amusement - unabashed, naked sadism and evil.  Despite these atrocities, Hussam remained convinced that Iraqis (and by extension, peoples around the world) could be ensured some amount of safety and stability, so long as their government(s) could be rendered transparent and hence, accountable to their constituents.  This experience, stretched over roughly a year, generated the interest and motivation for what would eventually become Operation: SearchLight and the WikiRights Initiative.

In the intervening time, I spent sixteen months at the U.S. Department of State working on a project centered around digital cryptography.  During my time there, the now infamous WikiLeaks/classified diplomatic cables story broke.  I'd long searched for a way to integrate my interest in Middle Eastern human rights advocacy with my experience as an encryption systems analyst, but it wasn't until the summer of 2011 that it dawned on me: technology and systems similar to WikiLeaks could empower foreign dissidents to pursue and document their struggles against oppression without fear of regime reprisal.  Further, such a project could potentially open new avenues for promotion of the freedoms so clearly extinct in many dark places across the world.

Introduction to Operation: SearchLight

I'm pleased to introduce Operation: SearchLight's official blog.  From here, we're going to be developing content, initiating technical research to support our mission, and filing for non-profit 501(c)(3) status.

The Mission Statement for Operation: SearchLight:

O.S. strives to provide secure, anonymous, digital reporting mechanisms allowing foreign nationals fighting government repression, censorship, and human rights abuses to do so without fear of reprisal.  O.S. will collect, evaluate, and disseminate evidence of foreign government wrongdoing; ensuring that such information is directed to the appropriate American and international policy-makers and news reporting organizations.