08 August 2011

Summer Break Update

Sorry for the lack of updates.  I'm currently enjoying my summer break - though very saddened by the recent loss of US servicemembers in a Taliban attack/crash; I was particularly upset to see the numbers of Navy SEALs and Afghan commandos (22 and seven, respectively).

I've suspended writing the longer post that I've alluded to in earlier updates for a few reasons (the foremost being that I don't believe that Americans need to understand every intricate detail of Islamic jurisprudence - only the ideas that may set trends and allow this project to be successful).  I have another project for this site that I'm working on at the moment, and that takes precedent.

01 August 2011

Still working...

on the longer piece that I mentioned earlier.  I've been concentrating on finishing several books about Saudi Arabia and Iran, and want to complete those before fact-checking and publishing the post.  I promise that it's en route.